
Monday, 23 September 2019

Cò às a tha sibh?

Hi, 's mise Chris Paton, agus tha mi nam shloinntear, a' rannsachadh eachdraidh teaghlaich airson daoine air feadh an t-saoghal. Rugadh mi ann an Èirinn a Tuath - thogadh mi ann an Carraig Fheargais nuair a bha mi òg, agus cuideachd airson ceithir bliadhna ann am Baile Eilidh, agus ceithir bliadhna ann am Plymouth. Bha mi a' fuireach ann am Bristol airson sia bliadhna bho 1991, ach thill mi air ais a dh’ Alba ann an 1997. Tha mi air a bhith anseo bho 'n uair sin.

Teàrlach ann an 1907
Tha mi air a bhith sgrùdadh eachdraidh mo theaghlaich airson fichead bliadhna a-nis, ann an Èirinn is Alba, agus tha mi fhathast ag obair air - aig an aon àm, tha mi a’ dèanamh sgrùdadh air eachdraidh teaghlaich airson daoine eile.

Tha ùidh agam sa’ Ghàidhlig cuideachd, agus ged nach eil mi fileanta fhathast, tha mi an dòchas a bhith aon latha. Air sgàth seo tha mi airson feuchainn ris an dà chuid ùidh agam a chur còmhla sa bhlog seo (God loves a trier!). Tha mi toilichte beagan fiosrachaidh a roinn mu mar a nì mi sgrùdadh air sinnsearachd ann an Alba, agus aig an aon àm tha mi 'n dòchas mo Ghàidhlig a leasachadh. Chuirinn fàilte air ceartachaidhean sam bith!

'S ann as Alba a bha pairt mhòr de 'n teaghlach agam, à Inbhir Nis, Glaschu agus air feadh Siorrachd Pheairt. Rugadh mo sheanmhair Jean ann an Glaschu ann an 1904, agus rugadh mo sheanair Teàrlach Paton sa Bhruiseal an aon bhliadhna - ach bha a pharantan à Blackford agus Inbhir Nis. (Ged a tha ùidh agam sa Ghàidhlig, cha d'fhuair me aon sinnsirean às na h-Eileanan an Iar fhathast!) 

Innsidh mi dhuibh na sgeulan aca - agus far an do lorg mi na clàran...

Where are you from?

Hi, I'm Chris Paton, and I'm a genealogist, reseaching family history for people around the world. I'm originally from Northern Ireland - I lived in Carrickfergus when I was young, and also for four years in Helensburgh and four years in Plymouth. I lived in Bristol for six years since 1991, but came back to Scotland in 1997. I've been here ever since. 

I've been studying my family history for twenty years now, in Ireland and Scotland, and I'm still working on it - at the same time, I research family history for other people. 

I am also interested in Gaelic, and although I am not yet fluent, I hope to be one day. Because of this I want to try to combine my two passions in this blog (God loves a trier!). I am happy to share some information about how I study ancestry in Scotland, and at the same time I hope to improve my Gaelic. I would welcome any corrections! 

A large part of my family were from Scotland, from Inverness, Glasgow and throughout Perthshire. My grandmother Jean was born in Glasgow in 1904, and my grandfather Charles Paton was born in Brussels the same year - but his parents were from Blackford and Inverness. (Although I am interested in Gaelic, I haven't found any ancestors from the Western Isles yet!) 

 I'll tell you their stories - and where I looked for the records ...


  1. I'm a SG learner also. I'm learning from Minnesota with distance learning classes and weekly skype calls with a tutor in Inverness.

    Good for you writing a blog! While there are many learning materials online, I think missing for adult learners are items of interest written in learner-level Gaelic. I could understand all of this! I'm looking forward to your next entry.

  2. Thanks, and sorry for delay responding - hoping to resume with another post soon!
