Ionad ScotlandsPeople |
Tha e comasach cuideachd mòran de na h-aon chlàran fhaicinn aig an taigh, aig, ach le cuingealachaidhean. Chan eil clàran breith air an làrach bho taobh a-staigh nan 100 bliadhna a dh’ fhalbh, clàran pòsaidh bho taobh a-staigh na 75 bliadhna a dh’ fhalbh, no clàran bàis bho taobh a-staigh na 50 mu dheireadh. Tha seo airson adhbharan prìobhaideachd, ged a tha clàran-amais air an làrach.
Dà bhliadhna às deidh dhaibh pòsadh, chaidh Jean agus Teàrlach gu Beul Feirste ann an Èirinn a Tuath.
Mo sheanmhair, Jean Currie |
Married in Glasgow
My grandparents, Jean and Charles, married in Glasgow on 28 September 1934. Jean was born in Bridgeton on 26 September 1904, the daughter of Robert Currie and Ellen Morrow, both of Co. Londonderry in Ireland. To find Jean's birth record, and her marriage record, I visited the ScotlandsPeople Center ( in Edinburgh, where it is possible to view civil registration records from 1855 to the present day, for a fixed cost of £15 per day.
It is also possible to view many of the same records at home, at, but with restrictions. There are no birth records on the site from within the last 100 years, marriage records from within the last 75 years, or death records from within the last 50 years. This is for privacy reasons, although there are indexes on the site.
Two years after they married, Jean and Charles moved to Belfast in Northern Ireland.